Types of Learning Disorders and Difficulties

 "Between 10 and 15% of the school population suffers from some kind of learning disorder"

 There are 5 types of learning disorders and difficulty:


How to Recognize Dyslexia in Children - Edublox Online Tutor | Development,  Reading, Writing, and Math Solutions

 According to  (Málaga Diéguez1, J. Arias Álvarez,2010,p.44) "Dyslexia is defined as a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes problems in learning and use of language, reading, and writing, as they are affected the basic areas of the phonological and decoding process of single words."  People with dyslexia present difficulties to apply the grammatical norms, difficulty to remember, and to automate the forms and orthographic rules of the words. It is characterized by the presence of a deficit in one or several areas of development. Dyslexia is a family and hereditary disorder, so the family history of dyslexia is a determining factor in the early diagnosis of a child with suspected dyslexia.


The signs of dyslexia can be difficult to recognize before a child starts school, but there are some early signs that may indicate a problem.


Qué es la discalculia: síntomas, causas y tratamiento

According to (Xavig,2016)  "Disorder in the acquisition of mathematical skills. The term dyscalculia refers to a wide range of numerical processing and computational difficulties. Currently, there are 1% of children who show this type of disorder." People with dyscalculia are intelligent people who have many problems with numbers. Numerical meaning is essential for a good adaptation to the environment (it is a more basic ancestral quality than language).

The symptoms of dyscalculia refer to skills that require good temporal and spatial coordination, which are closely related to the acquisition and management of mathematical operations. There are several symptoms of dyscalculia:
  • Types of dyscalculia
We can distinguish three different types of dyscalculia that we explain below:

  • Causes of dyscalculia
The origin of dyscalculia is considered multifactorial, so there are two factors that could be the cause of dyscalculia:

Non-verbal learning disabilities

Trastorno de aprendizaje no verbal (TANV) y su relación con el TDAH

According to (Málaga Diéguez1, J. Arias Álvarez,2010,p.46)  "Non-verbal learning disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects learning. It is characterized by the difficulty in organizing spaces, adapting to new situations, and in interpreting non-verbal information. " Difficulties in motor coordination, difficulties in the management of emotions, as well as difficulties in relationships and communication are common. Although people with this non-verbal learning disorder may have similar characteristics, each person is different and their affectations are also different.

 According to (Rigau-Ratera et al., 2004.) "TANVs are a group of learning disorders, of unclear etiology in most cases, but it is considered a neurological syndrome as a result of damage or functional deficit in the right hemisphere neuronal connections, which is responsible for integrating information from the sensory areas and give a global response. Therefore, this trastorn encompasses primary deficits in tactile and visual-spatial perception, in psychomotor coordination skills and non-verbal information processing (tactile, visual and perceptual.)" 

The neurocognitive manifestations of this disorder would be:


The Struggles of Being a Dysgraphic Author – The Lone Swift

According to (Juan Luis Castejón y Leandro Navas, p.339)   "It is a disorder that is related to the difficulties of written expression. There are two types of dysgraphia: motor dysgraphia, the child understands the relationship, pronunciation and graphic representation of sounds, but has difficulties in writing as a result of poor motor skills; specific dysgraphia, the child has difficulty reproducing letters and words due to poor perception of shapes, spatial and temporal disorientation, rhythm" The most common symptoms are visual-spatial difficulties, fine motor difficulties, language processing difficulties, spelling and handwriting difficulties, grammar and written language organization problems.

  • Symptoms
The components of writing that can be affected by dysgraphia are varied, so the symptoms of this disorder are also varied. Among the most prominent are the following, always taking into account the age range to which the person belongs.

It should be noted that dysgraphia can significantly limit the ability to learn, especially in educational 
institutions that are not prepared to meet the needs of children with this disorder.


DISORTOGRAFÍA - Actividades Psicomotrices Para La Atención De Estudiantes  Con Necesidades Educativas Especiales De La I. E. Aures

According to (Aldo Jesús Scrich Vázque,2016, p5) "Dysgraphia, on the other hand, is a functional disorder that affects the quality of the subject's writing, whether in line or spelling. It is called dysgraphic when it confuses, omits, joins or inverts syllables or letters incorrectly." It is a specific language disorder of writing. Children with dysorphia have trouble spelling words and often make mistakes such as exchanging and replacing letters, writing several words together or separated by syllables, and/or writing the words as they are pronounced.

Symptoms of Dysortography
Depending on the level of affectation, some symptoms are presented or others, although the most common are:

What are the causes of dysortography?
There are a number of aspects that can be identified as possible causes of this pathology, such as - Intellectual causes: intellectual difficulties can delay the acquisition of the basic orthographic norm.
